Adrift Pottery
After graduating with a Fine Art Degree in Sculpture from North Staffordshire Polytechnic in 1982 Karen worked in Community Arts for a few years before moving to Japan for 3 years where she studied Shodo (Japanese calligraphy) and taught English. Living in Japan was an experience that continues to inspire her work.
After taking up working with clay on a full time basis back in 2009 she has never looked back! Clay, especially red earthenware is her passion. She makes a modern version of traditional slipware. Each piece is individually made, usually hand built. Creamy slip (liquid clay) is brushed or poured on and the drawing is made directly on the slip revealing the red clay body, a technique called sgraffito. She uses a limited palette of mainly raw iron, cobalt cobalt and copper oxide to add colour and depth to the work. She loves the idea of the pieces being used daily to eat and drink from.
Her inspiration comes directly from nature and the stunning wild landscape and coast of Pembrokeshire where she has made her home for the past 20 years.
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